Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quicklime or Calcium Oxide

Inorganic compound, white or grayish white solid, chemical formula CaO, made by roasting limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) until all the carbon dioxide (CO2) is driven off. One of the four most important basic chemical commodities, it is used as a refractory, as a flux in steel manufacture, as a CO2 absorbent, to remove contaminants from stack gases, to neutralize various acids, in pulp and paper, in insecticides and fungicides, in sewage treatment, and in the manufacture of glass, calcium carbide, and sodium carbonate. Adding water to lime yields calcium hydroxide (slaked lime, calcium hydrate, hydrated lime, or caustic lime), which is used in mortar, plasters, cements, whitewash, hide dehairing, and water softening and purification and as a source of other calcium salts.

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