Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lime Software

Oracle Asset Management Software & Audit Tools

Oracle licensing is a time consuming task which can lead to serious financial penalties if not done right.

* Lime Software provides our customers a set of software tools that enable organizations to optimize their Oracle License Investment
* Designed by industry professionals to enable fast Oracle License Audits and Reviews
* Architected to meet stringent scalability, availability and security demands
* Granular Auditing to ensure compliance
* Over 2000 product definitions
* Oracle Technology and e-Business Suite support

Our aim is to help customer’s protect themselves from decisions based on assumptions not facts.

What is the problem?

Customers using Oracle software are unable to make informed procurement decisions due to complex licensing rules, leading to non-compliance and unbudgeted spend.

How does Lime help?

Deliver cost-effective solutions that provide a complete integral license position without compromising on performance.


Cost Reduction and Mitigation, Compliance and Control of all Oracle Software Assets.

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